Welcome to your FSA

The UFV Faculty & Staff Association represents more than 1,700 faculty, professionals, teaching and academic support faculty, and staff at the University of the Fraser Valley. Your working dues help us maintain a strong association. 

Having one union represent all employees within an institution makes your FSA unique among BC post-secondary institutions. We believe that having these diverse groups in one larger union makes us stronger. The workplace experiences, as well as the interests and needs of FSA members, are broad and diverse. But being together in the same association helps us to understand and respect each other’s work. It also gives us strength in voicing, promoting, and protecting the interests and rights of our members. Ultimately, a more cohesive workforce provides better service for our students. 

Your union has three main functions: collective bargaining, contract administration ensures your collective agreement rights are protected, and member engagement.

Everything we do is informed by our Mission, Vision, and Values.


Our mission is to promote and protect the welfare and professional interests of association members. 


We envision a healthy relationship between the University and the Faculty and Staff Association. We envision members having a greater understanding of each other and the work of the association through events, forums, meetings and celebrations.


We measure our success by improvements for those members who are most vulnerable. We will protect the rights of our members and the integrity of our collective agreement. To this end, your Faculty and Staff Association is guided by the following values: 

  • Transparency and accountability 
  • Natural justice and fair process 
  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion

Read more about our values.